Health & Fitness

You Can Triple Your Weight Loss With These 10 Habits

5. Exercise

Only diets won’t do – you have to exercise. Walk for a few miles if you want and do some cardio. Give 1 hour for exercise and make it intense. It’s not only good for your weight but your overall body.

6. Measuring Weight

Always measure your weight. There should be accountability of your weight loss. Keep a chart and track your weight loss. And always try to measure at a specific time of the day and keep consistency with your timing. It will do you a load of good.

7. A Diet Which Has Fewer Calories and Low Fat

Start going for a diet which is low on calories and on fat. It can be soup or any other kind of food that does not accumulate in your body. Even if you want to go for your favorite food, make sure that you are having controlled amounts of it.

8. Be Consistent

Your weight-loss plan should be like a routine. You have to be consistent. While there might be a few slip-ups, you must bounce back. Be on time and make sure that you don’t get out of your routine. At times, you can treat yourself too, and you can place that time in your routine as well. Maybe a Sunday.

9. Eating Small Meals

If you feel hungry, have small meals, but do it at proper time intervals. Improper timings can lead to poor health as your body fails to manipulate blood sugar levels or fat storage. Hence, try to keep a gap of 3 hours between meals and have it 4 to 5 times each day.

10. Stop Spending Time On Netflix Or TV

It is surprising, but if you cut down on Netflix by about 10 hours on a weekly basis, you can put that time into exercise. Also, we tend to binge eat while watching TV and that is bad for our health.

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