Health & Fitness

Yellow Cuticles

What causes nails to turn yellow:

As we have seen a lot of possibilities above that can cause your nails to turn yellow without any prior information. So, if you are doing any of the above-mentioned things or suffering from any disease you are likely to notice yellow tint on your nails to indicate the signs that something is happening with your body.

One of the most common things to cause yellow nails is fungal infection. At initial stages, if you don’t identify the infection this situation becomes worsen leading to yellow nails cause the nail bed may retract causing them to thicken and crumble. In some rare cases, yellow nails indicate the most serious situation like thyroid disease, lung disease, and diabetics.

If you notice yellow nails try curing them from the beginning itself because as time is passing the situation may become even worsen.

How to get rid of yellow nails:

There are several home remedies available that you can use for making your yellow nails to turn whiten at home.

You can use denture cleaners to get rid of stain on your nails by soaking them in the denture cleanser as it contains dilute sodium hypochlorite which is mild beach so, it works on any surface to remove stains.

You can also soak your nails in hydrogen peroxide combined with baking soda. This mixture works wonders as stain remover. Dip your nails into this solution for 10 mins then wash your hands with clean water by using soap after that pat dry your nails and apply mild moisturizer to make look them soften.

At times lemon juice can also work wonders on your nails along with soapy water to get rid of stains. The acidic properties in the lemon juice will start dissolving the stain particles from nails. Soak your nails in this solution for 5 mins and wash your hands with clean water later on, apply a mild moisturizer.

Use white vinegar to get rid of stains on your nails. Coloured vinegars may even stain the nails so try using white vinegar. As the mild acid present in vinegar reacts against the stains and help in getting rid of them. Soak your nails in vinegar for 8 to 10 minutes and them wash with clean water dab on some moisturizer.

Scrub your nails very often to get rid of all the dirt particles present on the nails or under the cuticles. You can do this once in every week for good results.

The above is some of the most commonly used home-made remedies to get rid of the yellow stains on nails. As many people don’t tend to show interest on the yellow stained nails as they don’t always look nicer.

This yellow nail syndrome may equally affect both males and females in same numbers. More and more are being reported every year with this medical condition. While this condition is popularly occurring in older aged adults as they have several health issues in their old ages.

How to get diagnosed?

The diagnosis of this yellow nail syndrome can be done based on the clinical evaluation making a way to detailed patient history of previous health problems and identification of several characteristics leading to cause yellow nails.

To get treated in proper there is a need to find the symptoms causing the yellow coloured nails that are noticed in each individual. Treatment may include several different types of therapies whereas antibiotic therapies is recommended for respiratory infections. These yellow coloured nails can also be improved without any medications or doctor’s therapy where these changes may be permanent in some cases.

Vitamin E plays a very important role in getting rid of the yellow nail syndrome. Do not use any medications on your own get a suggestion from your doctor before using any of the medications as they may cause side effects.

Always get tested and determine the cause of changes happening in your body at early stages to avoid any serious health conditions causing in long run. Focus on your health majorly than any other thing.

There is no need to panic about any health disease if you can notice any health issue in early stage. Every disease is curable in its starting stages of life. After all, health is the most important thing that is to be taken care of.

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