Health & Fitness

Yellow Cuticles

Yellow skin around nails:

There are so many reasons to turn your nails into yellow colour making it look like a yellow nail paint. But that may be an infection or any underlying disease that made to turn your nails yellow.

Any changes can be noticed to your nails where it isn’t obvious like colour changes, crumbling, and thickening that should be get clarified by any dermatologist in case you feel like there is a need of it.

The sooner you notice the nails and figure out the cause of it, the sooner you can get back your fresh nails and your health back on the track.

There are several possible reasons to notice that yellow tint on your nails which dermatologists may share when you visit clinic. We are gonna share some of them here:

Wearing nail polish regularly can make your nails turn yellow. The dye that is used in the nail paint may interact with the keratin present in the nails which causes yellow discoloration and brittleness on your nails. Acetone present in the nail polish remover makes the condition even worse.

The upper part of your nail only gets affected so to get rid of this avoid nail polish and let your nails breathe for some time. In mean while the stained part will grow out. To prevent the yellow nails, apply a clear base coat before you apply any nail polish make sure you don’t always choose a dark coloured one.

The other reason to turn your nails is that fungal infection where fungus occupies the nail and thickens the nail by accumulation of debris under nail which makes to look yellow. Doctors can examine your nails and determine what type of fungus it is and treats you accordingly.

Yellow fingernails vitamin deficiency:

The major reason for the cause of yellow nails is vitamin deficiency. Malnutrition affects the growth of nails and leads to yellow discoloration of nails. Blood tests helps in finding which vitamin deficiency are you suffering from. After it is known then use of required supplements for several weeks or months helps to overcome the vitamin deficiency.

The yellow nail syndrome is very rare condition and it can randomly happen to anyone and run in families. Along with yellow tinted nails one may also experience breathing problems, sinusitis and swelling in legs. This syndrome can be generally seen in middle aged people.

Thyroid disease may also lead to some nail issues like yellowing and thickening at the edge of nails. If a person is suffering from Diabetics, they are likely to have yellow nails as they tend to develop fungus in nails easily because of their compromised immune system.

If you suffering from any of the above problems you need to get checked them immediately with some blood tests done. While constant monitoring of these diseases the appearance of nails may improve in time.

If there is any vitamin deficiency or suffering from any health issues get medical help immediately as they may lead to several huge health issues in future. Visit clinic to get the tests done and determine from what your are suffering and use medications properly as advised by the doctor.

What causes nails to turn yellow:

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