Health & Fitness
Peel away an outer cabbage leaf away and wash it well. Dry it and cut out the hard stem. Place it on a counter, and use a rolling pin to bruise the leaf to release its juice.
Wrap the cabbage in foil and place in the oven for several minutes to warm. Next, place the cabbage onto the painful area, cover with gauze or bandage and elevate the area.
Leave the cabbage compress to act for an hour, three times daily, each time with a new leaf. The improvements are felt the next day! If you want to apply a cold compress, refrigerate the cabbage before you begin the procedure.
Red cabbage is rich in anthocyanins (which are chemicals that alleviate joint pain and inflammation. Both, green and red cabbage types are extremely beneficial in the case of ulcers.
Yet, note that cabbage allergies, even though they are rare, can cause swelling or itching, so if experience any of these symptoms, remove the compress, and visit a doctor if the irritation is aggravated.