Health & Fitness

Wrap Your Leg With Cabbage For 1 Hour And This Will Happen To Your Joint Pain

An old Irish blessing reads, “May the leaves of your cabbage always be free from worms.”
Cabbage is a low calorie and high nutrition vegetable, which is a rich source of vitamin C, potassium and vitamin K. It has potent cancer-fighting and anti-inflammatory properties.

It has been traditionally used to treat swollen and bruised skin for centuries.

It’s rich in vitamins, phytonutrients, anthocyanins, and glutamine that provide anti-inflammatory properties that make it extremely beneficial in the case of joint pain and cancer prevention. The addition of cabbage leaves to the treatment of arthritic patients provides great relief.

They use it in the form of a compress, and this is how to prepare it:

Cabbage Compress

You will need:

  • Organic cabbage (preferably red)
  • Aluminium foil
  • Rolling pin/wine bottle/meat hammer
  • Gauze or Bandage
  • Oven



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