Health & Fitness

What Will Happen to Your Body If You Eat Celery for a Week

4. Anti-inflammatory Properties Will Be In Action

Inflammation in a body is a response of the immune system to an infection or irritation and is not necessarily bad, as this is how your body protects you against the spread of infection.

However, it is sometimes necessary to regulate bloating and other effects and celery can help you as it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities.

It could be very visible on the skin, gums, and eyes. Plus, it can help your teeth get brighter with increased calcium.

3. Dehydration will be prevented


It is obvious that products with high water content will support your body with water, preventing dehydration. Food products rich in water are cucumbers (98%) and, of course, celery (95%).

2. The Digestion System Will Receive Help

Along with the high water content, celery is rich in fiber. Natural fiber and phytochemicals stimulate the walls of the stomach and small intestine, prevent constipation and help the peristalsis process.

This makes the food coming into the big intestine mixed and churn better. It helps enzymes to break down nutrients and absorb them into the bloodstream.

1. Blood Pressure And Cholesterol Levels Decrease

And last but not least, celery has anti-cholesterol properties that help prevent high blood pressure by basically “clearing up” your cholesterol levels.

Celery has smooth muscle relaxing properties, improving the flow of calcium and potassium into and out of cells.

As you can see, celery has many amazing health properties that can happen in no time or even right away. Would you try to eat more celery? Tell us your opinion in the comments below!


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