Health & Fitness

What Is The Right Position To Sleep For Each Of These Health Problems


You should sleep on the left side if you have heartburn issues as well.

Back Pain

In the case of a back pain, lay on the back, put a pillow under the knees, and a rolled-up towel under the curve of the back.

Shoulder Pain

Sleep on the side which does not hurt, with your legs a bit bent. You can also grasp a pillow to your chest and put another one between the knees.

PMS Pain

The sleeping position will also help you soothe PMS-related symptoms.  Just place a pillow under the knees, and this will prevent arching of the spine, and relieve pain.

Neck Pain

You should place a small rolled-up towel under the neck or under the pillowcase to relieve neck pain.

You should always consult your doctor if you are experiencing some serious health issues. However, these sleeping positions can really help in the cases we listed above, and improve the quality of your sleep at the same time.

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