
What Happens When You Apply Aloe Vera Daily On Your Face

Aloe vera has been in use since the ancient Egyptian times. In fact, the Egyptians called this plant as the “plant of immortality.” Since then, aloe vera has been in the use for skin and hair treatments, beautification, and many other such benefits.

It is a cactus plant that belongs to the Liliaceae family . Although, nowadays everybody seems to be growing aloe vera in the comfort of their homes, aloe vera is naturallyfound in dry climates which are found in certain parts of India and Africa. It has been widely used for its medicinal benefits immensely. We can repeats its benefits by using it internally or externally. Among several other uses, aloe vera can be used to cure multiple skin ailments and can also be used to aid digestion. 

As we mentioned earlier, aloe vera is a cactus plant. The only beneficial part of this plant is its gel in between the leaves. Therefore, it’s essential to understand how to procure the gel from the plant without hurting oneself. This is how it’s done-

  • Firstly, select a nice plump leaf of the aloe vera plant.
  • Cut it at the end with the help of a knife or carefullypluck the leaf from the plant.
  • Now that you’ve picked the aloe leaf, with the help of a knife, trim the edges of the leaf (get rid of the thorns).
  • Now, slice the aloe leaf lengthwise into two halves.
  • With the help of a spoon scoop out the aloe gel.
  • If any extra gel is left out after usage, you can store it in your refrigerator.

Benefits Of Applying Aloe Vera Gel To Your Face


We end up spending a considerable chunk of money on face creams, oils, serums, sunscreen and what not. We tend to overlook the best solution for our skin problems that lies within the nature itself. And aloe vera is one plant which has been consistent in its healing and beautifying properties. In fact, if you read the ingredients section of most of the skincare products, you’re bound to come across “includes aloe extract” everywhere. So, why buy aloe products when you can use aloe vera in its natural form? Here’s a list of benefits that aloe offers:

1. Aloe Treats Sunburns

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