
What deficiency Causes Dark Circles under eyes_

what deficiency causes dark circles

This post recommends 5 vitamins that are needed to reduce the appearance of dark circles naturally

If you thought that your lack of sleep, busy routine and hours spent in front of a screen where the cause of your dark circles, think again. There can be many reasons for dark circles but the one most overlooked is deficiencies in our diets. So the question on our lips is what deficiency causes dark circles?

There are many other contributors to dark circles including lack of sleep, alcohol, stress, smoking, pollution as well as the anatomy of this delicate area. I am all in favour of perfecting our skin care routing but the truth is that without the vitamins we will never have optimal results even with the best of products.

The appearance of dark circles can be caused by a build of de-oxygenated blood (which is blue ) under the eye area. Skin is thin in this area and therefore a bluish dark tint can be seen- ie dark circles. By eating foods that boost collagen or enhance blood circulation we can make a marked reduction in the appearacne of dark circles just through eating enough of the right vitamins.

1. Vitamin C

Theres a reason why vitamin-C is an essential for almost all skin concerns. It is a potent anti-oxidant, it boosts blood circulation around the eyes which reduces the blue tint that shows as darkness and it also boosts collagen production, which contributes to the appearance of a plumper more hydrated under eye.

Found in: Tomatoes, Lemons, Oranges, Peppers and strawberries

what deficiency causes dark circles

2. Lycopene

Lycopene is an anti-oxidant which helps to protect blood vessels and improves circulation of blood to the eyes.

Found in: Tomatoes, grapefruit, watermelon and guavas.

3. Iron

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