Health & Fitness

Weird Things Happening In The Woman’s Body

PMS symptoms are connected with age

Pain in different parts of the body, swollenness, migraines – these are all symptoms women have differently when they are about to get their menstruation. And these symptoms are more likely to happen to females in their teenage and adolescence period, than to females who are above their 40’s.

Women spot alpha-females more than men do
A study shows that “in a group of women, the points of their shoes are usually pointed in the direction of the alpha. They easily pick up cues dropped by the alpha and even laugh the same amount of times as she does”.
The x chromosome makes females healthier
Women have xx, and men have xy chromosomes. This is due to the ability to get pregnant and be healthy and protective for two persons at one time, which makes them have more micro-RNA, responsible for strengthening the immune system.

Females are smarter
Though males have a bigger brain in size, females are better in intelligence tests, a study has confirmed. “Women have an ability to do multiple things at once is caused by a difference in the structure of their cerebellum. This area of the brain is bigger in females and has about 30% more nerve connections in it than male brains do”.

Morning sickness is actually good for future moms
This is a mechanism that actually helps the unborn baby fetus to avoid the toxins rom meat products, fish and poultry while it’s in the womb. Also, women who have morning sickness have a smaller chance of miscarriage than women who don’t.

High-pitch voices
Not only that women can scream really loud – they’re also prone to hearing and identifying high pitch voices from a very early age, unlike like men. A female baby can make a difference between a screaming baby and her mother’s voice even at 2 months of age.

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