Health & Fitness

Use Natural Methods To Remove Spider Veins


  • Take fresh ginger root, wash it and cut 1 inch long thin slices.
  • Take boiling water in 2 cups and put the slices in these cups.
  • Now, you have to keep this over low heat for almost 10 minutes.
  • Mix enough honey in the tea.
  • You are all done, take this ginger tea.
  • Use this tea for 2-3 times a day till you notice that spider veins have disappeared.


You may simply chew a ginger slice to get rid of spider veins. You may also include ginger to your diet or have ginger ale. You must consult your doctor if you are using some blood pressure or blood thinners medications.

3: Horse Chestnut:

Horse Chestnut is an amazing herb that includes anti-swelling and anti-inflammatory effects. The use of this herb may lower the pain of spider veins. Horse Chestnut can also build up the broken veins. The positive results of chestnut or its extract have been proved to remove spider veins.


  • Take 1 tablespoon of horse chestnut and mix it with 10 tablespoons of witch hazel.
  • Put this mixture on the area where spider veins are present.
  • Apply it for a few minutes.
  • Use this twice a day till spider veins get removed.


You may also use the seed gel of horse chestnut. Use this gel twice a day. You must consult your doctor for the proper dosage of horse chestnut supplements. Don’t use these horse chestnut supplements if you are suffering from kidney or liver disease, taking blood medications or you are pregnant.

4: Witch Hazel

Tannins and volatile compounds present in witch hazel are also useful for spider veins. These compounds have the ability to build up blood vessels and hence they remove the spider veins. Witch hazel tightens the distended veins. It may also reduce the pain and maintains the structure of veins.


  • Take ½ cup of witch hazel leaves in a pan and mix 1 cup of hot water with it.
  • Wait for 10 minutes and then discard the leaves.
  • Wait for it to get cooled down to the room temperature.
  • Apply it on spider veins by using cotton balls.
  • Apply for 15 minutes and then wipe it off.
  • Use this twice a day till you are free from spider veins.


Take 1 tablespoon oil of vitamin E and mix it with ½ tablespoon of witch hazel. Now massage the spider veins and wash it off if it gets dried.

5: Cayenne Pepper

Capsaicin is a compound present in Cayenne pepper and this compound shows promising results to improve blood circulation. It helps to reduce the pain by reducing the swelling of the veins.


  • Mix 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder in a cup filled with hot water.
  • Take this to get yourself free from spider veins.
  • Take this drink twice in one day until you get rid of your condition.


You may also use cayenne pepper in cooking foods. The use of capsaicin gel on the swelled area is also very useful for spider veins and to reduce pain. Don’t take cayenne pepper if you are a pregnant woman.

6: Lifestyle Changes

Our lifestyles are also a cause of spider veins. Following these lifestyle changes, 2-3 times a day may show very positive results.

You may improve blood circulation if you do oil massage, on the affected area, for 10 minutes on a daily basis. If you improve blood circulation, this will result in reduced pain, tenderness and inflammation.

Daily exercise is very beneficial to improve overall health and it shows positive results for spider vein problems. Exercise improves blood circulation and strengthens the veins. Walking, jogging and swimming are very important exercises to get rid of spider veins. 

The elevation is very beneficial to improve blood circulation and it also reduces pressure to the spider vein’s area. You may use a pillow to elevate your legs or hands for 15 minutes and do this 4-5 times a day. Do the same when you sleep.

Compression stockings may also relieve you from spider veins. They may improve blood circulation and reduce swelling and pain. These compression stockings are available in knee-high, thigh-high and waist-high lengths. You should consult your doctor to use these stockings.

7: Diet Plan

Diet is a cause for many problems and improving it may relieve you from different problems including spider veins.

Berries peas, carrots, oats, beans, whole grains and flaxseeds, all contain fiber and they also prevent constipation and hence prevent spider veins.

Green vegetables, oranges, grapefruits, red peppers, nuts and seeds all contain vitamins B, C and E. These vitamins are beneficial to improve blood circulation. They also contain collagen which is very important to make your vein walls strong and flexible.

Antioxidant-rich foods also help veins to become strong and healthy. Red beans, green tea, berries, artichokes, apple, cabbage, bell peppers are some of the foods that are antioxidant-rich.

You should increase the intake of water and should take a low salt diet. Keep your body hydrated by using fruit juices and herbal teas.

Spicy foods help to break down fibrin that is stuff around varicose vein. You may include garlic and black pepper in your diet to get rid of spider veins.

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