Health & Fitness

Use Natural Methods To Remove Spider Veins

What are spider veins?

These are twisted and small blood vessels on your skin. They show blue, red or purple colors. They mostly appear on the face and legs. Spider veins are called so because of the resemblance with the spiderweb. These veins may also appear on the mucous membrane and may show colors like purple, blue or red. Spider Veins are like a tree branch or a spider web and hence they are named “spider veins”.

Why do spider veins appear?

Damaged or weak valves of the vein may cause spider veins to appear on the face, legs or sometimes on the hands.

Hormonal changes, stress, age, genetics, wearing tight clothes, sitting or standing for a long period, constipation, overweight, exposure to UV rays, blood clots and certain medications may also result in the appearance of these spider veins on your skin.

These spider veins create no problem for most people but they may cause pain in some cases. Sometimes these spider veins may also cause throbbing rashes, restless legs, swelling and itching on the affected area. It is very important to treat them otherwise they may cause varicose veins or skin ulcers.

You may want to use medications or creams but give a chance to these remedies to treat spider veins.

Make Remedies At Home To Treat Spider Veins:

The following remedies are very useful in removing these spider veins. These remedies also improve circulation.

1: Apple Cider Vinegar

2: Ginger

3: Horse Chestnut:

4:Witch Hazel

5: Cayenne Pepper

6: Lifestyle Changes

7: Diet Plan

1: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar may deduce the swelling and pain of spider veins by enhancing the blood circulation in the body.


  • Soak a small clean cloth in the raw and organic apple cider vinegar.
  • You may wring the cloth to remove excessive vinegar from the cloth.
  • Apply for 15-30 minutes, on the affected areas.
  • You have to repeat this process daily for 2-3 times.


You may also use a mixture made of 1 tablespoon of apple cider and a small amount of honey mixed in one glass of water. This may also improve blood circulation and you may get rid of spider veins.

2: Ginger

Fibrin is a blood protein. Ginger can break the strength of fibrin in the areas of injured veins and as a result of this effect, ginger lessens the visibility of these spider veins. Ginger is also useful to reduce blood pressure and it improves blood circulation which helps to remove the problem.



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