Health & Fitness

Tips to Getting Rid Of A Fatty Liver and Help in Losing Weight

One common mistake that people who are willing to lose weight do in their rush of faster weight loss is lesser eating than their usual meal count and quantity. However, this brings no positive output rather it provokes you to eat unhealthy snacks and fatty foods which ultimately promote more weight gain.

So as a smart move you should include only those food products in your daily routine which can bring a feeling of fullness for you for a very long duration. In order to ensure this, you should focus on eating high fiber, protein and healthy fat-rich foods only.

These foods will suppress your hunger for a very long duration by keeping your stomach full in a healthy way without putting much effect on your weight.

This is very important especially if you have a fatty liver concern as by keeping your stomach full these healthy foods will prevent many issues which are common and usual in people with the fatty liver problem such as sugar cravings, hypoglycemia, fatigue, foggy head etc.

Whey protein powder is a healthy protein supplement food enriched with the satiating feature. This prevents your sugar cravings by promoting the feeling of fullness for several hours. While eating non-vegetarian sources of protein like fish, red meat, poultry meat etc. make sure that you choose palm and half sized protein only.

Similar to protein-rich foods, good fat enriched foods are also another source of a healthy meal for promoting your feeling of fullness for a longer duration. Some good fat sources include nuts, seeds, olive oil, salmon fish, avocados and omega 3 fatty acids etc.

Avoid Eating Carbohydrates, Sugar and Bad Fats

It is the quality of food that you eat every day is responsible for your fatty liver problem which in turn further creates difficulty in weight loss along with developing other health concerns. Foods which causes to promote the fatty liver concern include carbohydrates, sugar, and bad fats rich diets.

When you consume these foods in excess limit then your liver gradually fails in the processing of these food products leading to accumulation of fat in the liver. So for reducing your fatty liver problem try to avoid eating foods rich in carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, bread, flour, sugar, breakfast cereals, potatoes etc.

Highly fried foods, as well as packaged foods available in the market, are also unhealthy for you such as chips, cookies, crackers, crisps etc. Likewise, foods prepared with omega 6 rich vegetable or cooking oil is also unhealthy for your liver health as your liver can easily convert them in to fat.

Avoid Eating Refined Carbs

Researches on the effect of dietary sources for promoting liver fat says that people who consume high calories and refined carbs easily promote their liver fat within a few days. Here it was found that the rate of liver fat gain was much higher than the overall body weight gain which simply depicts the harmful and direct effect of these foods.

So for reducing your liver fat as well as your overall body weight you must avoid eating carbs especially refined carbs in your daily meal plan. By implementing this healthy diet routine you can discover sudden improvement and changes in your liver health along with goodness for your overall health.

People who fall in the category of NAFLD have seen a great reduction in their fatty liver concern by including low carb foods, low glycemic index diet and Mediterranean diets in their meal.

Both Mediterranean and low carb foods are effective in reducing insulin resistance and liver fat. However, the study shows that the impact of Mediterranean foods is much greater than the low carb food for both the issues including fatty liver problem and for reducing weight.

So if you want to get rid of your fatty liver health concern and reduce your weight faster then avoid eating high card or refined carb food sources.

Drink a Good Quality Liver Tonic

For speeding up your weight loss plan and for detoxifying your liver to ensure excess liver fat reduction, along with eating other good meals you must include a good quality liver tonic in your health plan.

This tonic is specially formulated for promoting liver health that is why it easily burns the excess fat existing on your liver and also detoxifies the bloodstream. Moreover, it will keep you energetic and healthy which is very important for your weight loss plan for performing workouts and other physical activities.

Exercise Enough to Reduce Liver Fat

Physical activities like exercising are the best effective way to reduce your liver fat. In this context, high endurance or resistance training is best for your purpose. These exercises will bring a drastic reduction in your excess live fat and stabilize the liver health to the normal condition.

However, you have to be very consistent with it in order to get your desired result at the fastest possible time. One study shows that people who exercise for 5 days in a week experienced a very dramatic reduction in their liver fat though the overall weight reduction rate was not so impressive.

Likewise, HIIT training is beneficial for people who fall into the category of NAFLD and diabetes for reducing insulin resistance and liver fat reduction. Though low-intensity workout is also beneficial for your liver health however its result will not be shown in a very short duration.

It was found in a study on people who used to do low to moderate intensity workout 2 days in a week that they managed to reduce their liver fat in a year. So to get rid of your liver fat problem both low to high-intensity workouts are effective but it should be maintained consistently.

All the above-mentioned tips to get rid of a fatty liver issue are very safe and effective which will relieve you from both the issues including fatty liver and over body weight as both the concerns go hands-on hand.

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