Health & Fitness

Tips to Getting Rid Of A Fatty Liver and Help in Losing Weight

People who are obese or overweight are the second largest victim of fatty liver problem. That means people who have excess body fat can easily develop this health issue if weight is not controlled in time.

Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease or NAFLD is very common in obese or overweight people. This happens because excess body weight promotes low-grade inflammation which causes fat storage in the liver.

It is seen in researches that with weight loss people also lose their fat over liver which is excessive than the normal amount. On the other hand, people who already have excess body weight or have gained sudden weight in their body, the fatty liver problem is very common to them.

Insulin Resistance Problem

People whose body is affected with insulin resistance problem can easily promote the fat accumulation in the liver resulting in fatty liver problem occurs. This is the reason why type 2 diabetes patients and metabolic syndrome patients are found suffering from the fatty liver problem.

High Consumption of Sugary Beverages

People who consume sugary drinks or beverages in a very excess amount can develop a fatty liver health problem. This happens because sugary beverages like soft drinks or energy drinks contain a high value of fructose which leads to accumulating fat in the liver.

Excess Amount of Refined Carbs Consumption

Refined carbs are not at all good for the overall health of a person. So people who consume these unhealthy food products in excess amount damages their liver health directly as it leads to promote fat accumulation in the liver.

This issue gets severe if people with a health issue like insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes eat these refined carbs as their body fails to detoxify them leading to fat growth in the liver.

Excess Abdominal Fat

People whose waistline is excess than their overall body structure mean their abdominal area contains excess fat then they can easily develop fatty liver problem whether they are obese or not.

Bad Gut Health

People whose gut health is imbalanced or suffers from some especial gut impairment problem can develop the fatty liver problem as in the lack of proper gut functioning their fat started to get accumulated in the liver. This condition comes in the category of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease or NAFLD.

Tips to Get Rid Of Fatty Liver Issue and Weight Reduction

The liver is an important organ of your body whose functionality regulates your overall health as well as your body weight too. It is a multitasking organ which filters all toxins existing in your body such as alcohol, medications, nutrient byproducts etc.

This way it helps in the digestive function in the body by producing a necessary component for food break downs as well as for its absorption in the body. Along with this it also regulates insulin, glucose, blood pressure, immunity, blood cholesterol production and its removal etc.

With all these major functionality and regulation work the liver needs special attention and care. So when such care is not provided to this vital organ and people started to eat foods and beverages which can directly impact to liver then toxic residues stated to build up leading to inflammation which in turn promotes obesity.

If this condition develops then in spite of hardcore exercise and calorie restricted diet chart instead of losing weight people either fail to lose their stubborn fat or gain more fat in the body. So to overcome this issue below we have enlisted some tips that will help you to get rid of the fatty liver issue and for weight reduction.

Eat Those Food Products that Aids in Loss of Liver Fat

It is been proved in researches that some food items are good for liver especially if it has a fatty liver concern. These foods help to reduce fat existing in the liver and promotes the functionality of the liver organ in a normal way.

Some of the foods that promote loss of liver fat include whey protein, mono-saturated fats, soluble fiber, green tea etc. As per the reports when you eat more whey protein you ensures approx. 20% reduction in liver fat.

Apart from this, it is effective in treating much more chronic liver diseases too. Also, whey protein reduces the liver enzyme level which is good for liver health. For enhancing your liver health you can eat foods rich in mono-saturated fats such as nuts, olive oil, avocados etc.

For reducing your liver fat and liver enzymes levels and for increasing insulin sensitivity you must eat at least 10 to 14 grams of soluble fiber every day. Another healthy way for reducing your liver fat and weight reduction is green tea.

There are several benefits of drinking green tea out of then boosting your liver health is one. The antioxidant component of green tea helps to reduce liver fat and inflammation in the condition of NAFLD.

Eat Foods that Promotes the Feeling of Fullness

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