
This Vitamin Can Melt Your Fat, Protect Your Heart And Make Your Hair Look Great!

Leave the Skin to Dry Afterwards, and Repeat the Process Every Couple of Days for Best Results.

The oil owes most of its benefits to the omega-3 fatty acids. They prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood as well as the risk of atherosclerosis. The fatty acids also boost the circulation, reduce the risk of blood clots and prevent the development of irregular heartbeat. And their benefits don’t stop there – according to studies, they significantly reduce the risk of diabetes and protect the nerve fibers and connective tissues in the body.

Many nutritionists recommend the oil as a weight loss supplement. According to an Australian study, people who take 6 gr. of fish oil per day and spend 45 minute exercising have much better lipid profile than those who don’t. The combination of physical activity and fish oil reduces body fat, while the oil improves the function of the brain as well. Many studies have shown that a capsule of fish oil a day is one of the best prevention methods against dementia.

Fish oil is a widely-used supplement in bodybuilders as it helps muscles grow and nourishes them with essential vitamins and minerals.
Gynecologists recommend the fish oil to women who have painful and complicated periods, while men should take it in order to prevent prostate cancer. And, although the oil is beneficial, you should always consult a doctor before using it.

Experts suggest avoiding the oil if you’re suffering from thyroid problems or high calcium and vitamin D levels. Fish oil capsules should always be consumed per instruction – take 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day with meals, and continue the treatment for up to a month. Always take the oil with meals, as taking it on an empty stomach can cause digestive disorders.

WARNING: never take the oil with multivitamins! Include fish such as salmon in your daily diet. This fish is a natural omega-3 source that can significantly improve your health.

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