
This Simple Juice Recipe Will Help You Remove Uric Acid Crystallization In Joints

Cucumber is amazingly beneficial when it comes to treating different health conditions. Cucumber juice can lower high body temperature, it is highly alkaline and quite effective in removing uric acid crystallization in the joints, or to be more precise, it can help you treat gout.

The consumption of this juice may cause pain in some people, but it is just a sign that you are getting better. In other words, the pain you are feeling is a sign that the juice breaks through the toxic buildups and eliminates the waste materia.

Celery and ginger reduce inflammations, which is of great help during the cleansing process. Make sure you use the advantages of this winning combination!


  • 1 medium-sized cucumber
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 lemon slice
  • young ginger root (an inch long)



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