
This Mouthwash Removes Plaque From Teeth In 2 Minutes

You might not be aware of the fact that oral health actually determines your overall health. One of the vital parts of the procedure for oral hygiene consists of using mouthwash.

It reduces the presence of plaque, while reaching and fighting bacteria that escaped dental cleaning at the same time. It is actually the final step in the removal of bacteria and germs. Moreover, it leaves the mouth clean and the breath fresh.

It is known that cavities can be cured with proper care and a healthy diet.

These are the advantages of using a homemade mouthwash:

It is inexpensive- You can make your own homemade mouthwash and still get marvelous effects.
You control the ingredients: You can remove tartar with completely safe and natural ingredients.
No Chemicals: Commercial mouthwash products are loaded with numerous additives like harmful chemicals, colorants, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and flavorings.

Today, we will reveal the recipe of an effective, inexpensive, homemade mouthwash, based on baking soda, which will help you remove tartar and get a white and healthy smile.

Sodium bicarbonate is definitely one of the most potent best cleansers and it can be used in various ways, including for maintaining oral hygiene.

It has powerful bleaching and stain removal properties, so it is often used for teeth brushing. Also, it has antibacterial capacity that eliminates tartar and microbes which are the cause of cavities and bad breath.

This is how to prepare this mouthwash:


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