Health & Fitness

This is What Will Happen If You Drink Coconut Water Every Day For a Month

Popular drinks like lemonade and ginger tea might not be to everyone’s liking. Some might prefer sweeter, more refreshing drinks and this is where coconut water comes in like a blessing. It is delicious and can boost your health in a number of ways.

Imagine getting all the benefits of eating a salad without having to do all the work to make it? That’s what coconut water can do for you. According to Nutrition Data, it contains vitamin C, calcium, and riboflavin. It is also rich in minerals like manganese, magnesium, and potassium. Moreover, coconut water is also a delicious way to consume fiber.

Stabilizes Blood Pressure
The Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine carried a study which proved that coconut water is a good source of antioxidants. Scientists observed the changes in rats after being fed coconut water for almost a month. One aspect they took into consideration was blood pressure and the study showed that the antioxidant content in coconut water could bring blood pressure down to a stable and safe level.

Besides its antioxidant properties, coconut water also contains high levers of potassium. Experts have discovered that potassium lowers blood pressure and improves the circulation of blood in general.


An experiment conducted on diabetic rats showed that feeding them coconut water helped them with their condition. Scientists from India’s Kerala University proved that the level of sugar in the blood decreased in the rats which had been given coconut water and they were no longer physically stressed due to oxidants.

Keeps You Hydrated
Remembering to drink the right amount of water isn’t always easy. Coconut water is a flavorful substitute for when you want something more refreshing. It is not as fattening as carbonated and caffeinated drinks and is even better than sweetened tea. If you’re buying branded coconut water make sure you read the ingredients listed at the back since certain companies add extra sugar to make it taste better.

Refreshments After Working Out


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