Health & Fitness

This Is The Proper Way To Prepare Baking Soda To Melt Belly, Thigh, Arm And Back Fat!


Initially liquify the sodium bicarbonate in the glass of water and consist of the lemon or the grapefruit juice. Then, you have to mix it well till all the parts are well dissolved. For perfect results, drink this drink on an empty stomach 20 minutes prior to having your breakfast meal.

THE SECOND APPROACH – Mix of Sodium bicarbonate with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

  • 2 tablespoon. of apple cider vinegar.
  • 1 glass of water.
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.


Again dissolve the baking soda in a glass of water, and after that mix it well with the ACV. Consume it on an empty stomach, and right after, you will find how quickly your pounds will be melted.

THE THIRD METHOD – Mix of Sodium bicarbonate with Fruits

  • 1 cup of strawberries.
  • 2 lemons.
  • good deals of fresh mint leaves.
  • 2 cups of water.
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda.


Simply mix all the parts together. Do not put sugar in the mix. Consume it two times each day and you can consist of ice in it if you pick cold beverages. Enjoy it and slim down!

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