Health & Fitness

Things You Should or Shouldn’t Do When You Find a Tick Stuck on Your Skin

After you get the tick off your skin, several complications can occur, so you need to watch for signs on your body.

Rash and fever are among the conditions that require follow-up, so make sure you see a doctor and tell him where are when you got the tick bite.

If you’re having doubts whether the tick that bit you was carrying a disease, you can put the sealed bag in the freezer for further examination.

The Wrong Ways

1. Never Burn the Tick

Getting a tick off your skin by burning could cause problems for both the tick and you.

It’s risky to try and force the tick out of the skin by using an excessive amount of either force or heat, as it can swell and increase the chances of infections.

In addition, you risk burning yourself apart from increasing the likelihood of an infection.

2. Don’t ‘Paint’ the Tick

Although some places suggest that covering the tick with petroleum jelly or nail polish might be a good idea, the CDC says don’t do it.

When a tick gets stuck under your skin, the best thing to do is to remove it as quickly as possible.

3. Don’t ‘Drown’ the Tick

Equally important is not to rub the tick with alcohol or try to drown it in gasoline, the New York Time explains.

The reason behind this is that it gives the ticks more time to spread the infection/disease, for it could take hours for the tick to smother.

4. Don’t Twist the Tick

Remember not to twist the tick once you grab it with the tweezers, as its’ body could fall apart increasing the risks of infections.

Instead, with a constant, steady pressure pull upwards, away from the skin.

Tick Bite Treatment

After you successfully removed the tick and got rid of it (or stored it for further examination), it’s important that you thoroughly wash your skin. Once you’ve done that, there are several things you can do to relieve any irritation.

According to WebMD, applying some petroleum jelly and covering the bite spot with a band-aid would do the job just fine. In case any pain or swelling occurs, apply ice onto the spot.

If you happen to encounter any complications like rashes or fevers, see your doctor right away.

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