FoodHealth & Fitness

The Health Benefits Of Calcium: It Gives You Much More Than Just Strong Bones

We have generally associated calcium with strong bones. It is an integral and vital part of the skeletal system. But you will be surprised to know that calcium has other qualities too. It can lower your blood pressure, enhance and reinforce your nerve and muscle functions, and is an ally in your fight against diabetes. Low levels of calcium can weaken your bones, make you perpetually tired, affect your heart, and contribute to a whole lot of other health issues.

How does calcium deficiency affect you?

The main areas affected are obviously the bones. They turn brittle and weak. Even a slight impact can cause a fracture. Osteoporosis sets in, which is a reduction in the density of your bones. It starts in women at the onset of menopause. It contributes to the high incidence of fracture above the age of 55.

Calcium gives the body further control in the process of clotting. It starts the process that culminates in the coagulation of blood.

It is a common feature of aging. Do you tire easily? If you are above fifty and feel fatigued for no obvious reasons, it might be a calcium deficiency.

The innumerable benefits

Healthy Bones
The parts most benefitted by the ingestion of calcium are obviously the bones. Calcium, along with Vitamin D and K provide the much-needed density and strength to bones. It reduces the chance of fractures in people above 55 when they are most susceptible.

Prevents osteoporosis
Osteoporosis literally means brittle bones. It is a decrease in its density. The danger of osteoporosis is generally undetected until much later. The bones become fragile when they don’t receive the right amount of calcium.

Control your blood pressure


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