Health & Fitness

The Boiled Egg Diet Lose 24 Pounds in 2 Weeks

Nutritionists and health experts alike agree that the boiled egg diet can help you lose up to 24 pounds in just 2 weeks, try it out yourself and you’ll see.

America’s biggest health concern is obesity. It’s not just the obesity but all the health risks that go along, including diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular problems, all of which have fatal consequences.

Losing weight is difficult but it’s something you have to do if you’re overweight or obese because if you don’t you put your health at risk. But how to do it? Well, it requires a well-balanced diet, reducing the calories count and starting some physical activity, these three things are a must if you want to shed the weight. However, you shouldn’t starve yourself either just eliminate the empty calories you ingest through soda drinks, fast foods, sweets and desserts and start consuming more whole grains, fruits and veggies.

If you think you’ve tried just about every diet and nothing seems to work, don’t fall in despair, the boiled egg diet will help you achieve the wanted results in the shortest period of time. If you follow the boiled egg diet you can lose up to 24 pounds in just 2 weeks. The diet is based on eggs which are highly nutritious and super-healthy. The diet is a low-calorie one that gives fast results in a short period of time but it’s not meant for long-lasting results. If you want to have long-lasting results you need to alter your day-to-day diet and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Our body needs calories for energy and we need a healthy intake of nutrients to function properly. If we strip our body of the nutrients it requires we risk harming our overall health and develop serious health problems.

The diet we recommend in this article is consisted of healthy, whole foods and is mainly based on eggs. Eggs are abundant in a number of healthy nutrients, vitamins and minerals, everything you need. If you replace all the unhealthy food you eat with the ingredients we recommend you’ll lose weight fast and improve your overall health as well.

To give you an example of how healthy eggs are let’s see everything 1 egg contains. In just one egg you’ll find vitamins B2, B12, B5 and A, selenium, iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, folate, manganese and 6gr. of proteins. One egg only has 77 calories but all the important nutrients you need. All of these healthy nutrients are consisted in the yolk, the white is just protein.

Here’s the 2 week boiled egg diet plan:


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