An average person sheds 50 to 100 hairs per day. However, new hairs grow at the same time.
But, when this cycle of shedding and growing hair is interrupted hair loss occurs.
Researchers hold hereditary, hormonal imbalance, ailments and certain
medications as main factors of hair loss. Apart from this, weight loss, stress,
menopause and pregnancy may also lead in loss of hair.
American Hair Loss Association states that women make up to 40% of hair loss
sufferers in America. Further it states that men at the age of 35 experience
some degree of hair loss and by the age 55 approximately 85% of men have
significant loss in hair.
There are several pricey products in the market claiming to control hair loss.
But, if you don’t want to give rush to your money and try those chemical filled
cosmetics, this homemade recipe fits for you.
Homemade Shampoo to Prevent Hair Loss :
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