
The Best DIY Face Scrub Recipes

The answer to this all depends on your type of skin, your daily routine, and the benefits that you see when you try exfoliating. I personally do it every other day since I have oily skin, but if your skin is dry or normal I would recommend doing it once or twice a week to start.

Regardless of your skin type, definitely avoid exfoliating if you have open wounds, sores, or cuts on your skin. Exfoliating will irritate the wound and prolong the healing process, possibly resulting in scarring that may be permanent.

If you have sensitive skin, make sure you do the following:

  • Always wash your hands before exfoliating and make sure you use clean brushes and other products.
  • Don’t over scrub or use any products that you’ve never tested before. These can irritate your skin, cause a bad allergic reaction, or make your skin more vulnerable to infection by different types of bacteria.

A woman preparing a face scrub

Can I use a face scrub product on my body and vice versa?

These DIY Face Scrubs can be used on both the face and the body. They are mostly designed for the face, but they’ll work perfectly for the body as well!

However, if you’re purchasing your exfoliating products, you shouldn’t use the ones designed for your body on your face. The skin on your face is more delicate than the rest of your body, and using products meant for your body on your face can result in irritation, redness and other bad reactions. This is especially true for products with fragrance, which can often be very irritating for your face.

DIY Face Scrub ingredients

How do I know if I’m having a bad reaction?

Some of the symptoms you might experience include a burning sensation, persistent redness after using the product, or increased sun sensitivity.

If you experience any of that (or anything else that you consider to be an adverse symptom) make sure to thoroughly wash the leftover product from your skin using room temperature water and avoid using that or any other products on your skin until the irritation fully clears. It’s very important to let your skin fully recover after an experience like this!

What to do after I exfoliate my face?


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