Health & Fitness

Sure Signs That You Have a High Blood Sugar !

  • Stressful life and work
  • Lack of exercise and sleep
  • Dehydration
  • Overeating, or, fast eating that overburdens the gut
  • Steroid medications

And, our tip for today is to try treating your condition with a healthy diet first, before going with antibiotics and a more invasive medical treatment. You can reduce the sugar levels in your blood with glycemic food.

Do you know what a GI index is? It shows the amount of carbs a meal or each food contain, and can be measured from 0-100. You should eat more low GI foods if you’re hypeglycemic, such as the following:

  • 1 medium orange – 48
  • one large grapefruit – 50
  • 1 large banana – 52
  • 1 cup of peas – 54
  • 1 egg – 0
  • one cup of hummus equals – 6
  • 1 cup of broccoli – 10
  • one mid-sized yellow onion – 10
  • 1 cup of walnuts – 15
  • 1 cup of spaghetti – 42
  • one cup of green grapes – 46
  • 8 ounces of pineapple juice – 46
  • 1 large carrot – 47
  • 1 cup of cashew nuts – 22
  • one cup of yogurt – 23
  • 1 Turkey sausage – 28
  • one cup of kidney beans – 31
  • 1 cup of butter beans – 34

On the other hand, avoid the following food as much as you can!

  • 1 doughnut (glazed) – 76
  • one rice cake – 78
  • 1 mid-sized baked potato – 85
  • 1 serving of corn flakes – 92
  • 1 slice of regular white bread – 70
  • 2 cups of popcorn – 72
  • 50 grams of glucose – 100

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