Health & Fitness

STUDY A Pinch of Turmeric as Effective as an Hour of Exercise

The researchers found an increased flow-mediated dilution in the curcumin and exercise group so they stated:

“The present study showed that regular ingestion of curcumin or regular aerobic exercise training significantly improved endothelial function. The magnitude of improvement in endothelial function to the same extent, suggesting that curcumas may prevent the age-associated decline in endothelial function in postmenopausal women.”

Still, note that neither turmeric nor any other supplement should replace regular exercising, but extra workout cannot replace the turmeric’s role in maintaining the health and preventing diseases. The best thing to do is combine them both.

In another study co conducted by the same researchers in 2012 and published in the American Journal of Hypertension, they researched the combined effect of exercise and curcumin together in women after menopause and the way this combination improves the heart muscle stress tolerance.

The findings promoted that “regular endurance exercise combined with daily curcumin ingestion may reduce LV [left ventricular] afterload to a greater extent than monotherapy with either intervention alone in postmenopausal women.”

Chronic heightened left ventricular afterload is linked to aortic valve disease and high blood pressure and can lead to pathological hypertrophy of the area. That’s why the concludes that the best effects are achieved by the combining turmeric and exercising.

Furthermore, this combination also decreased osteoarthritis symptoms meaning it is extremely beneficial in cases of pain and inflammation after workout.

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