Health & Fitness

Solutions For Combating Swollen Feet With Natural Remedies

Apple juice vinegar

High in potassium, juice vinegar is a helpful asset for fighting swelling in your legs and feet. In reality, it’s an absence of potassium that prompts your feet holding water. For the best outcomes, absorb a towel a mixture containing one section juice vinegar to one section water. Fold the towel over your feet and abandon it for 30 minutes. You’ll be astonished by the outcomes!

Chamomile oil rub

Mitigate swelling while at the same time appreciating a pleasant back rub in the meantime! Back rubs help to expand blood stream and counteract water retention. Chamomile oil has mitigating properties and can be connected specifically on your skin. Just back rub the oil onto your feet — or approach your accomplice to do it for you!

We trust that these characteristic cures can sit down your feet this late spring. If swelling holds on however, we suggest consulting your specialist.

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