Health & Fitness

Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water !

When your body is dehydrated, it borrows water from your blood. Not enough oxygen in your blood makes your pressure lower and not getting enough blood in your brain, makes you defocused and not thinking clearly. Coffee can’t help in the long run, because it can even make you more dehydrated and also, make your heart pump faster, but still – not enough oxygen in your blood.

6. Your skin is dry

You’ve probably heard that the largest organ in your body is the skin. A healthy organism always has moist skin, since it helps release toxins faster. Also, you can do harm to your good looks as well, since dry skin can crack easier, flocks might appear and your blood vessels might become visible as well!

7. Your muscles become smaller

Yes, without water, even muscle mass is decreasing. You don’t lose weight, but keep the unhealthy fats and salts inside your body directly. Drinking enough water while working out and afterwards can decrease the risk of developing inflammation and soreness from your exercise.

8. Digestion problems

Though is not healthy to drink water right after your meal, not having enough water is also not good for your gut’s work. Dehydration decreases the strength and the amount of mucus in the stomach, and acid can do some big damages to your internal organ’s walls.

9. Premature aging

Not drinking enough water makes the skin look lifeless and dry, as we mentioned above. So the skin is not elastic and every movement, especially on your face gestures, can leave a mark.

Also, premature ageing not only happens on the skin, but is most visible there. It also occurs in the inside, in the organs who are running with more effort to do their job – and this sign isn’t always visible and is more harmful than some marks on your face.

Water is the basic fuel for our body – don’t ever forget to take it!

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