Health & Fitness

Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water !

Here are some of the most common signs you are not taking enough water on daily bases.

1. A dry mouth

It’s a pretty obvious symptom, since our tongue and lips are almost always wet. Sugary drinks and coffee can make your mouth even dryer, so don’t think soda is a solution for a dry mouth. Always drink water with coffee, and even with soda. 2. Your skin is dry

2. Your eyes feel dry

Though water directly passes through your mouth and throat, these are not the only organs that become dry with a reduced water intake. Eyes also become dry and reddish, and feel like burning. Also, without water in your body, you can’t even cry! Especially people who wear contact lenses should take care of their daily water intake, since dryness can cause infections.

3. Pain in your joints

Because our spinal discs and cartilage are composed of about 80% water, lack of humidity makes them more stretched and tense. By keeping you body well hydrated, your joints could handle the shock of sudden movements, even falling.

4. Illness can take longer to cure

Yes, water can be the primary medicine! Without taking enough water, all of those pills could mean nothing, since water intake is the basic for the detoxification of the human body, in any means possible. Peeing, sweating, pooping and so on.

5. Feeling lethargic and fatigue


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