Health & Fitness

Signs That You Have a Sluggish Liver

One of the most important organs in our body is the liver. Why? Besides the 400 other functions that it executes, the single most important one is that the liver is the ultimate filter of our body.

The liver is the “garbage can” where all the toxins are stored and converted before they can finally find their way out of the organism.

How does the liver actually work? It eliminates toxins in 2 phases:

  • The liver uses enzymes to turn the toxins into compounds that are not so toxic for our bodies
  • In the second phase, the toxins are paired up with other molecules from the body, which help them move faster and get out of the organism as fast as possible

So, when the liver is burdened with toxins, it is not able to get them out as fast as possible, and the toxins get combined with molecules that almost always store them in the fat tissue.

Liver problems can be manifested through excess body weight and obesity, high cholesterol, clogged veins and bad heart pressure etc.

Are you wondering what are the most common symptoms of the so called “sluggish”, or, dysfunctional liver?


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