
She Rubs Baking Soda On Her Feet 2x Per Week. The Result is Stunning

Baking soda is an incredibly versatile ingredient, which can be used as a cleaning product, a culinary ingredient, and a natural medicine.

It is affordable, effective, and easy to use. Therefore, you can replace commercial products with this simple ingredient and avoid the negative effects of harmful chemicals.

Here are several uses of sodium bicarbonate:

Clean and Relax your feet

Soak your feet in some water with 3 tablespoons of baking soda. For improved effects, massage them gently. Do that twice weekly and you will notice some great results. You can also add some baking soda to your bath to energize and relax the entire body.

Heartburn and stomach problems

Sodium bicarbonate is a powerful antacid, so if you add 2 teaspoons to a glass of cold water and drink it, you will immediately relieve heartburn and stomach issues.

Stop sweating


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