Health & Fitness

Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Olive Oil (Extra Virgin, Pure, Unrefined)

Olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, is an important source of healthy fatty acids that have tremendous health benefits. Extra virgin olive oil is good for you because it is rich in monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, which helps to reduce inflammation,keep your heart healthy, lower cholesterol, and lower your risk of stroke. Consuming extra virgin olive oil as part of a healthy diet can even help you lose weight.

Olive oil is the foundation of the Mediterranean diet, which many researchers say promotes good health. You can use extra virgin olive oil to make nutritious and healthy salad dressings. Extra virgin olive oil is good for cooking with because its high levels of antioxidants protect the oil’s chemical composition during frying.

There are also many health benefits to drinking olive oil: consuming a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in the morning can help kick-start your day and benefit your digestion.

In this article, you will find out about the many reasons why consuming extra virgin olive oil is good for you. You will also find interesting ways to incorporate more olive oil into your diet.

What Is Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) comes from pressing the oil from the fruit of olive trees. Olive trees have grown around the Mediterranean for centuries where olives and olive oil are staple foods.

The journal HortScience reports that extra virgin olive oil is obtained by crushing olives into a paste in a process called malaxation. Oil is then extracted from the paste by pressing it or using a centrifuge to separate the oil. This process results in a cold-pressed olive oil that can be used without any further processing. (1)

Researchers say that unrefined extra virgin olive oil contains the highest amounts of polyphenols – plant-based antioxidants. (2)

Unfiltered extra virgin olive oil contains even more beneficial nutrients than filtered olive oil.

Pure Olive Oil vs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil – What Is the Difference?

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