Health & FitnessTricks

Press This Point for 2 Minutes and See What Happens to Your Body

2. Get rid of neck pain

Press This Point for 2 Minutes and See What Happens to Your Body
Apply castor oil and massage your neck. Use a cold compress to relieve inflammation or a warm one to improve blood circulation. You use apply cinnamon and turmeric tea for a compress.

1. Dispose of a headache

Press This Point for 2 Minutes and See What Happens to Your Body
Tai Chong point, located two fingers away from between your big and second toe, helps relieve many aches and pains, the most common being headache. Massage the point for 2 minutes, and you’ll feel the result.


Press This Point for 2 Minutes and See What Happens to Your Body
Go ahead and grab your middle finger when you feel that you’re getting anxious or angry. It’ll relax you and allow your blood pressure to go down a little.

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