Health & Fitness

Onions Are A Great Natural Remedy For These 12 Common Illnesses

4.Soothe a Colic Baby

To relieve a colic infant give them a teaspoon of onion tea consistently until they are quiet. The onion has properties that will loosen up muscles, fortify the stomach, and control processing.

Heat up a diced yellow onion in some water and enable it to cool before depleting.

5.Ear Infection

Slash up an onion and put it within a thin sock and tie it shut. Put the sock over your ear and hold it set up with a cap. Abandon it on until the agony leaves.

6.Soothe a Bug Bite

Place a bit of onion or some crisp onion juice onto a bug chomp to relieve it. The mitigating properties of onion will lessen irritation and uneasiness from the bug nibble.


Utilize the film of your onion skin for a cut. This will fill in as a disinfectant operator that quits draining rapidly. The anti-microbial and calming properties help to recuperate the injury, while the antimicrobial properties will keep it from getting tainted.

8.Soothe a Sore Throat

Make a decoction from onion skin and water. Drink a little and swish with it. On the off chance that the taste is intolerable, you can include some lemon and nectar. The onion’s mitigating properties will lessen the torment and aggravation in your throat.

9.Cleanse the Air

An onion will decontaminate the air by sucking out microscopic organisms and infections of the air and retaining it.


Mesh an onion and press it with a cheesecloth and gather the onion juice. Blend some peppermint tea and let it cool. Drink two teaspoons of the onion squeeze and hold up five minutes. At that point drink two teaspoons of peppermint tea. Rehash this until your quit retching.

11. Treat Sun or Minor Burns

Rub some crisp onion on your consume to forestall disease. The sulphuric mixes will speed skin recovery and decrease consuming and redness.


Cut up some thin onion cuts. Run some coconut oil on the base of your feet and apply your thin cuts onto the curve of each foot. Wrap your foot with cling wrap and cover with a sock. The onion will draw out poisons, microbes, and disorder from the body medium-term.

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