Health & Fitness

Never Ignore These Signs -You Might Have Cervical Cancer !

  • Bleeding after s*x
  • Bleeding after menopause
  • Bleeding between periods (this doesn’t involve women with irregular menstrual periods)
  • Bleeding after douching
  • Bleeding after a pelvic exam
  • Having heavier menstrual periods than usual
  • Having longer lasting menstrual periods than usual
  • Unusual and often va*inal discharge
  • Painful s*xual intercourse
  • Pelvic pain

What’s to be done to prevent getting cervical cancer?

First of all, there’s a set of vaccines for the HPV virus, which can protect you from other diseases besides cervical cancer. Getting this vaccine is most suitable before the individual has became s*xually active.

Then, even if you’ve taken the vaccine, cautious regular doctor check-ups are recommended.

An annual PAP test is absolutely necessary.

At the end, you’re the one that knows your body the most, so you should choose what’s appropriate for your age, personal medical history and risk factors and decide to go with that tests, cautions and therapy.

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