Health & Fitness

Never Ignore These 9 Warning Symptoms Of Cervical Cancer

Girls and young women should consider getting the HPV vaccine (given in a series of three vaccines), which can protect against several types of the virus, including some that cause cancer. The vaccine is effective only before an infection is contracted, so experts recommend that girls and boys get vaccinated before becoming sexually active. Experts advise beginning the vaccines at age 11 or 12, though it may be started younger or given later. For complete information about the vaccine, click here.

Even if you’ve been vaccinated, you need to continue regular cervical cancer screenings, because the vaccine does not protect against all HPV cancer-causing strains.

What’s equally important is for you to be aware of the warning signs of cervical cancer, which may not cause any symptoms at first (when they are pre-cancers or early cancers), but later on, may affect you with pelvic pain or vaginal bleeding.

Here are the signs of cervical cancer:

  1. Bleeding after intercourse
  2. Bleeding after menopause
  3. Bleeding between periods
  4. Bleeding after douching
  5. Bleeding following a pelvic exam
  6. Having heavier menstrual periods than usual or ones that last longer than usual
  7. Unusual vaginal discharge
  8. Pain during sex
  9. Pelvic pain

Of course, just because you have any of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you have cervical cancer. The symptoms could be caused by other conditions, like an infection. But it’s wise to schedule an appointment with your health care professional to get checked and, if appropriate, get treated.

The screening guidelines for cervical cancer can be confusing. Most major medical organizations no longer recommend routine yearly screening, but it is important to know what’s appropriate for your age, personal history and risk factors. You can read all about the guidelines here.

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