Health & Fitness

Lemon Ginger Turmeric “Detox” Tea

Why are we obsessed with this flat-belly number?

Less inflammation= a calmer body on the inside, less stomach distress, less bloat.

YUM! A little sweet, a little spicy… you’ll want to keep drinking. You’ll also hydrate as you get water:

This pic below shows how I made it to place in the tea strainer with fresh turmeric. You are seeing both the ginger and turmeric grated. You’ll see directions for whichever you choose to use–fresh or powdered turmeric below. Who’s got your back and belly, baby?!

The water: Water washes bloating sodium and waste from your body, preserving your kidneys and intestines, keeping them in better condition. And water helps the body to run at its’ best since every process in the body relies on water.

The ginger: (Yes, I, Lyssie, confess that I’m ginger-obsessed and it somehow finds its way to most of my home-cooked dinners— au revoir bloat and damage from toxins!). Ginger contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components.

  • When you overindulge in food and drinks and your intestinal tract is acting out in response, i.e.–you’re feeling bloated and your tummy is full of discomfort, ginger is great!
  • It helps to ease stomach and intestinal discomfort and settles your insides so they can start calming down, repairing, de-puffing, rebooting and rinsing the bloat.
  • Your body responds to poor food choices and toxins with inflammation. Chronic inflammation causes damage to tissues in the body and it speeds the aging process. Preventing that inflammation means not only will you be less inflamed inside and have less stomach distress, but you’ll also be healthier in the long haul!

Turmeric: (another recent obsession for Lyssie—after discovering its’ anti-inflammatory benefits help her sinuses during the seasonal allergies she got for the first time in NYC–she even sprinkles it on some foods she eats with her hands, like kale chips and turnip fries (although she has to be careful because the orange color of the turmeric [powerful antioxidants] colors her nails–oy!) This is one of the most potent healers; it protects the cells from harmful free-radicals. If you’ve overdone it with a poor diet, this is one way to help nurse your body back to health!

This pic below is the ginger root and turmeric root, just hanging, before I grated them. Once you peel the skin of the turmeric it looks like a baby carrot!

Lemon: helps to promote the activity of a liver enzyme that converts harmful, toxic substances to less harsh chemicals (via the liver through a compound called d-limonene.). The vitamin C in lemon is a potent antioxidant that mops up free radicals from environmental toxins, stress, alcohol, fatty foods and other toxins and helps to prevent them from damaging your body. Vitamin C also keeps the skin radiant and youthful by helping to boost levels of collagen, which helps to keep the skin elastic.

Lemon Ginger Turmeric “Detox” Tea

You can reserve the “tea” in the strainer for several uses. Feel free to add a sprinkle of cinnamon or cayenne for an additional boost.

Start with this simple combo for 1 serving:


  • 8 ounces water
  • 1 tbsp. grated ginger
  • 1 tbsp grated turmeric (*alternatively 1 tsp ground turmeric)
  • Juice from fresh lemon
  • dash black pepper (black pepper helps boost turmeric’s absorption from the digestive system into the bloodstream)


  1. Boil water.
  2. Place grated ginger and turmeric in tea strainer** and place inside a coffee mug. Pour boiling water in and let steep for several minutes.
  3. Remove strainer and reserve for second cup of tea. Add a dash of black pepper and stir. Squeeze several squirts of lemon in mug and enjoy! Note: You can reserve the tea in the strainer for several uses.

*If using ground turmeric, place in the mug when you add the strainer with grated ginger, add the warm water and stir until no lumps.

**If you don’t have a tea strainer, you can place the grated ginger and turmeric in the cup loosely and strain before drinking.

Nutrition Facts per 8 ounce serving: 2 Calories
Lemon Ginger Turmeric “Detox” Tea

Serves: 1 serving

Ingredients :

  • You can reserve the “tea” in the strainer for several uses. Feel free to add a sprinkle of cinnamon or cayenne for an additional boost.
  • Start with this simple combo for 1 serving:
  • Ingredients:
  • 8 ounces water
  • 1 tbsp. grated ginger
  • 1 tbsp grated turmeric (*alternatively 1 tsp ground turmeric)
  • Juice from fresh lemon

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