Health & Fitness

Knowing The Symptoms Of Liver Disease Could Save Your Life

Knowing how to recognize the symptoms of liver disease can save your life. As with so many illnesses and diseases, liver disease, if spotted early enough, can be halted naturally.

Liver disease if caught early can be cured, providing the causes have been identified and are avoided in the future, then the liver can be left to fully recover. It can grow new healthy tissue to replace damage. And once again this is only as long as the disease has not been allowed to progress too far – hence the importance of understanding what the warning signs are.

The most frequent and common symptoms of liver disease include:

  •     Bad breath
  •     Black circles beneath the eyes
  •     Bad body odor
  •     Brown blemishes on the skin
  •     Coated tongue
  •     Itchy spots around the abdomen and, or neck area.
  •     Constipation
  •     Discolored stools
  •     Flushed facial appearance
  •     Inflamed palms and soles of feet
  •     Swollen eyeballs
  •     Jaundice: the yellowing of the skin which can often also be evidenced in the whites of the eyes
  •     Nausea
  •     Pain – which is felt in the uppermost right hand quadrant of the abdomen
  •     Increased tendency to perspire excessively
  •     Unexplained fatigue, or sudden weight loss.

These symptoms of liver disease relate to hepatic disease in general. But there are also many different, specific, illnesses or diseases that affect the liver, and each of these has its own specific symptoms.

Hepatic disease

Liver disease is also sometimes referred to as hepatic disease. When any type of hepatic disease affects up to three quarters of your liver tissue, that’s when a significant decrease in liver function can be detected.

The causes of liver disease

Liver disease can be brought about in a number of different ways:

  •     Its cells may be inflamed, as with hepatitis
  •     The passage of bile may become obstructed, as in cholestasis
  •     A build-up of cholesterol may occur
  •     The flow of blood to the liver can be damaged
  •     The tissue of the liver may be attacked and damaged by toxins

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