Health & Fitness

Japan Has a 66% Lower Breast Cancer Rate Than The U.S. — This Is The Nutrient Missing From Our Diet

American women today

Breast cancer rates in Japanese women are 66 percent lower than the number in America. It’s iodine that makes all the difference. The US Dietary Reference Intake for iodine is estimated to 150 micrograms, and women in Japan take a dose that’s 25 times higher.

The Western diet lacks iodine, and it’s considered to play a major role to the terrible statistics. Salt is the only source of iodine for most Americans, because the government obliges producers to add iodine to salt as a preventative measure to goiter. But, women avoid salt, and this only added to their lack of iodine.

Environmental toxins also contribute to this problem. These toxins attach to cell receptors for iodine, shut these down, and the body can’t absorb it.

Iodine in nature

Human body isn’t designed to produce iodine, but you can get it from other sources. Eat more cranberries, navy beans, whole potatoes, eggs, tuna, shrimp, salmon, and lobster.

Seaweed is a basic ingredient in Japanese dishes, and it’s packed with iodine. Asian supermarkets and large chain shops sell dried seaweed. Add it to your cooked soups, stews, beans, and other specialties.

A recent Japanese study has shown that seaweed contains 10 times more iodine, and it can fight breast cancer. It was compared to fluorouracil, a common chemo drug.

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