
I’ve Been Washing My Hair Wrong My Entire Life, And This Is How You Should Actually Do It

Hair care is an essential aspect of personal grooming, and washing your hair is a crucial part of it. Many people believe that they know how to wash their hair correctly, but the truth is, most of us have been doing it wrong our entire lives. Whether it’s because of bad advice or misinformation, we need to learn how to wash our hair correctly to achieve healthy and beautiful locks. In this article, we will discuss the common mistakes people make while washing their hair and how to do it the right way.

You wait as long as you can between washes

This means that you should wash your hair whenever it feels like washing. YES! And ladies, you can do it once in a week (during winters) and every day (during summer time). It’s all up to you.

You shampoo every wash

IF you shower every day, you shouldn’t use shampoo all the time, because it would result into a dry scalp.

You scrub your scalp

Don’t scrub your scrub! You should gently work your fingers through the hair. This will prevent the breakage and damage.

Hot showers

We all love hot shower! Yes, they’re awesome, but not for your hair. How this works – well, the hotness will dry out your skin and scalp. You should rinse your hair with lukewarm or cold water.

You use too many shampoos

Don’t experiment! Yes, you should stick to only one shampoo. It is easier on your hair.

Pouring on the shampoo


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