Health & Fitness

Ice Cube On Your Neck Can Be An Amazing Health Trick

Are you the type of person who goes to the doctor or directly in the pharmacy for every ache or pain, even if it’s minor?  There’s a saying “With medicine, your pain would heal in a week. Without medicine, in 7 days”.

Maybe you would like to try curing yourself first, before asking for help. And the best thing is that you could do it without spending money on drugs from the pharmacy!

There is an awesome ancient Chinese technique for improving the health and easing the tension and pain in the different parts of the body. With the single use of an ICE CUBE!

There is a pressure point at the base of the skull, right on the middle of the neck, which according to Chinese medicine is known as “feng fu”. There are different ways which you could use to stimulate this “feng fu” point, such as sticking it with a needle, putting the right pressure on it or just putting an ice cube on the spot. Acupuncture also uses this technique.

What it should be used for? What it can actually help you with?

  • Improves your mood
  • Relieves stress
  • Helps with fatigue and weakness problems
  • Reduces cellulite (YES!)
  • Improves asthma issues
  • Decreases headaches and migraines


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