
How To Whiten The Dark Skin Armpits

Armpit is – quite an intimate part of the body. It is particularly an uncomfortable fact that, although you keep it clean and smooth, it does not matter, it turns dark. It’s all about skin properties.

Dark armpit skin is common and can be caused by excessive use of antiperspirant and shaving. In addition, friction caused by tight clothing, hyper-pigmentation and the accumulation of dead skin cells can affect the darker skin color under the armpits. But the change in color can also cause some serious illnesses such as Addison.

There is one natural remedy to solve this problem. You may be surprised, but a miracle-bleach is plain potatoes.

Maybe it sounds a bit strange and unusual, but packs of grated raw potato will significantly lighten the delicate skin under the armpit. The point is that the potato is present enzyme catalyses, which bleaches the area, and does not irritate it.

So, peel one medium potatoes, grate it and apply it under the arm for half an hour.


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