
How To Use Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice For Gray Hair

Coconut oil

Notwithstanding when utilized without lemon juice, coconut oil is as yet useful for your hair. It’s an incredible characteristic conditioner that can enter the hair shafts profound and reinforce your hair. Simply warm up a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil and back rub your scalp with it, at that point put on a shower top and let it work for thirty minutes (or more on the off chance that you can). This will enable the oil to enter into the hair shafts and fix the issues from inside. Wash your hair as normal at last, and the outcomes ought to be recognizable after just a single treatment.

Coconut oil and curry leaves

A back rub with curry leaves and coconut oil can do ponders for your scalp and hair wellbeing. Warm up a measure of coconut oil and include a bunch of curry leaves in, at that point expel the blend from the warmth once it winds up dark. Back rub your scalp and hair with it 3 times each week, and you the silver hairs ought to be gone soon.

Almond oil and lemon juice rub

A back rub with a blend of lemon juice and almond oil works extraordinary against silver hair. Simply blend a couple of tablespoons of the two fixings, at that point rub your scalp with it and let it labor for 20-30 minutes before washing your hair not surprisingly.

Onion and lemon juice pack

Onion juice is another extraordinary solution for silver hair, and it works particularly incredible when blended with lemon juice. Apply a blend of the two fixings (2-3 tablespoons) on your hair, let it labor for 20-30 minutes, at that point utilize the blend 3-4 times each week for best outcomes.

On the off chance that none of these cures work, you can have a go at utilizing dark tea or mustard oil to reestablish your hair shading. A few people like to utilize common hair colors too – attempt henna to cover your silver hairs and reestablish your confidence.


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