Health & Fitness

How to Use Baking Soda for Constipation Relief

Constipation can be very uncomfortable, even painful, especially if ignored for a few days. You may suffer from constipation due to regular usage of processed food, smoking, alcohol, irregular or overeating, less water consumption etc. If it goes to the chronic stage, it can cause problems like hemorrhoids and other discomforts.

You can treat constipation with some lifestyle changes, using natural remedies and some OTC medications. Here we are discussing baking soda as a treatment for constipation. You must be aware of the effects of baking soda in skin problems, hair problems and body odours etc. Let’s find out how effective it can be in case of constipation.

Does baking soda relief constipation?

Also known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda is a very common kitchen product. It is known for its antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and can help in constipation by:

  • Relieving stomach gas, bloating, and pain in the digestive tract.
  • Maintaining the acid-base balance inside the stomach.
  • Acting as a laxative.
  • Drawing necessary fluid into the digestive system.
  • Aiding to cleanse the colon.

 How to use baking soda for constipation:

There are numerous ways of using baking soda for constipation. Here we are discussing a few very effective methods:

Baking soda with warm water:

Consuming this in the morning can quickly give you the desired results.

 You will need:


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