Health & Fitness

How To Stop Snoring Naturally With These 12 Simple Methods

It may sound a little harsh, but it is true. Snoring can kill you. Well, probably not immediately, but over time, definitely. For one, snoring can cause you to lose sleep or not get the quality sleep that you need. When you get in a routine of not getting the sleep you need, it can result in all sorts of health problems later on. These health problems, like heart disease for example, can eventually shorten your life.

There is also a more serious type of snoring that is called sleep apnea. To put it simply, you snore so bad that your airways get blocked completely while you are asleep. When your airways are blocked, your breathing stops and your brain is not getting oxygen which results in your brain telling you to move, wake up, or snort to get air. Again, this tampers with the quality of your sleep and after living this way for so long, the health problems are again surely to come.

Let me share a real-life story with you so it may shed some more light on how serious this can be. My grandfather took my brother and I camping several times every Summer when we were kids. We would always try to make sure we went to sleep before he did. If we didn’t, we knew we would have trouble falling asleep listening to him snoring and snorting for air. I remember many nights my brother and I would lay there laughing while we made bets on how long he was going to stop breathing in between snores.

It isn’t so funny now. To make a long story short, my grandfather suffered from 3 heart attacks before he was 55 and didn’t find out he had sleep apnea until he was 65. By then, it was too late. The doctor said the damage had been done and untreated sleep apnea was the most likely cause of his heart problems. He died 7 years later of congested heart failure. Could his life have lasted longer? I certainly think so.

So how do we stop snoring? Well, if you are concerned that you have the sleep apnea symptom mentioned above, go see a doctor. They can do a sleep study on you and assign you a cpap mask to sleep with so that you get proper airflow through the night. If you just want to try and get rid of snoring period, even if you have sleep apnea, then these natural methods can more than likely help you.

1. Weight/Exercise


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