
How To Smell Like A Princess All Day, Everyday

My absolute favourites are vanilla scents, minty scents, floral scents and fruity scents.

They make me feel girly, luxurious and whenever I wear fragrances such as these, it tends to result in curiosity and compliments from others.

Simple Lifestyle Habits That Will Get You Smelling Amazing

#1. Wear Cotton Underwear

Although wearing cotton panties might seem plain compared to the feminine lace and satin look, when it comes to personal hygiene it’s honestly the best route to go down as it absorbs moisture, doesn’t cause severe friction which means that there’s less chance of body odour being built up.

#2 Drink Water, More Water, And A Lot More Water

Something simple and easy as drinking plenty of water can flush out toxins within the body and can cause the colour and odour of your urine to balance out to a healthy pH balance.

#3 Stop Layering Too Many Products

Just like adding deodorant to a stinky armpit can make the stench incredibly worse, you should not layer so many products on your skin.

Not only because the smell can become quite overbearing and overly strong, but also because certain chemicals within the different products you use might not react well with each other and can end up causing a reaction within your skin which can take away from your overall beauty.

#4 Don’t Make Every Product You Use Scented

Unscented products typically means that the ingredients used are less harsh and can be used on sensitive and every skin type.


When you tend to sweat throughout the day, the odour might not be as alarming as it would be if you had used products that have fragrances and scents.

Even with that being said, I must admit that I love a good smelling product 🙂

#5 Change Your Bed-Sheets Frequently

Uh…because small creatures called bed bugs exist. So, no thank you.

Here’s a quote for you to take whilst you leave:

Always dress like you’re going to see your worst enemy

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