Health & Fitness

How to Reverse Cataract Without Surgery_ _ Healing the Eye

3. Reduce Stress

Researchers have been studying the connection between stress and several eye problems such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and eye cataracts. Studies so far show stress impacts your eyes as it does your overall health. As such, it is important to balance the autonomic nervous system by reducing stress.

Physical exercise, meditation, prayer and positive affirmations are just some of the many things you can do to reduce stress. Doing so can help reverse any symptoms of health problems in the body and allow your body to heal naturally. This also includes cataract symptoms you’ve been experiencing.

Self-care also plays a big role in managing stress. Because whether you like it or not, life happens, and you’ll have to deal with it. Self-care will not only help you avoid stress but also help you progress faster in whatever you need to do without compromising your health. Start self-care by:

  • Checking your attitudes, excuses, and habits to identify where the stress is coming from;
  • Practising the 4 A’s of managing stress, which are Avoid, Alter, Adapt, and Accept;
  • Moving more! Exercise, dance, or any physical activity you enjoy
  • Connecting with people who can understand and help you with stress.

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