Health & Fitness

How to Prevent Muscle Soreness Easily

Want to know how to prevent muscle soreness after having a good workout so you don’t find yourself unable to move for the next week

Have you ever stretched an old rubber band?

Chances are, it will snap and break because it’s so tight!

The rubber band has missed out on lots of stretching time, as a result, it has lost its beautiful stretchy form.

So we are going to think of your muscles as rubber bands today and see how to prevent muscle soreness so we can keep our muscles from SNAPing. We certainly don’t want that happening!

Let’s say you are getting into this health thing and have been making some great Dot to Dot tweaks in your life.

You are READY to bring on the exercise BUT you haven’t done anything besides your normal day to day moving in a long time.

Is stretching actually important?

One of the mistakes people make is to jump right in with an intense workout at the gym or at home. They lift too much weight, go too hard for too long, and use muscles they haven’t used in a REALLY long time.

Seems like a great idea to really hit it hard since you haven’t worked out in so long UNTIL . . .




A muscle that was super tight for years just went SNAP when it was put under the pressure to stretch!

Man it hurts BUT just wait till the next morning comes!

You can’t sit on the toilet because our legs or butt hurt so badly! You can’t lift your coffee cup because it’s TOO heavy! And forget about walking to get around, it just hurts too bad!

Once you feel like you have been hit by a truck, there is a high chance you are not doing another workout for a LONG time!

That totally sucks! Here you were so motivated and ready to go, just to come to a screeching HALT!

You are OK though


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