Health & Fitness

How To Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise Or Diet Pills

Hide Unhealthy Food

The first and easiest thing that should be done, is not to purchase any unhealthy foods, such as cookies. If those foods are bought for other family members, then that food should be kept out of sight. These foods should be hidden in the back of the cabinet, so they would be out of sight and out of mind, hopefully. According to the studies, a person is more likely to eat these foods, if they are catching person’s sight. So, some healthy foods, such as fresh fruits should be held on some visible place, on the countertop for example. In that way, if a person needs some snacks, then the fruits will be there, instead of junk food.

Eat More Fiber

Person can keep the feeling of fullness for a longer period of time, by eating foods which are high in fiber. If the person is likely to lose some weight, then viscous fiber could be very useful. This type of fiber can be found in Brussel sprout, beans, asparagus, oranges and even flax seed. The feeling of fullness will be longer if a bigger amount of these foods is eaten. These foods contain other vitamins and minerals, necessary for the body and are low in calories.

Drink Water

It is well known that the water is essential for weight loss. It can replace drinks that are high in calories and sugar, can reduce the feeling of hunger and the most important thing, contains no calories. Studies show that people who drink a glass of water before each meal, feel full and eat less food, but also take 44% fewer calories.

Eat Without Distracts

Many people eat while doing another activity in parallel. For example, at home people eat while watching television, or while playing on the computer. Exactly these habits lead to overeating. People intake 25% fewer calories per meal, when they eat at the table, without any distractions, including cell phones. By eating without distractions, family time will be increased, and family members could sit together and talk with each other.

These are some suggestions for losing weight, without exercising. Exercises are useful for weight loss and also could help the body to be in great shape, but most of the adults actually do not have time to exercise. So that target group could follow these tips to lose weight without exercising.

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