
How to Look Good in Pictures: 19 Tips to Be More Photogenic

Everyone wants to know how to be more photogenic. Whether you’re trying to grow your Instagram or just want to know how to look good in pictures with your friends, there are certain tips and tricks you can use to make sure you always look your best. Posing for photos is an art these days, and it’s not just for super models and actors anymore. Take a look at how to look good in photos with these 19 tips.

How to Look Good in Pictures: The Basics

1. Study Yourself
Look at photos of yourself (ones you look good in and ones you look not so good in) and determine why you look good or bad. Can you spot the differences? Perhaps you notice you look better in certain clothing options or when your hair is a certain way. You also may not like when the camera hits you on a certain angle, or notice you look much better in photos when you smile. Take note of things you do and don’t like so you can look great in photos moving forward!

2. Practice Makes Perfect
Practicing your most flattering poses and smiles isn’t just for models. If you want to know how to be more photogenic, you have to practice. Practice in front of a mirror or even in front of a camera to determine your best angles, poses and smiles. Try different poses and practice angling your body in familiar positions that you can re-create in front of a camera.

3. Wear Flattering Outfits
Your outfit can make all the difference in a photo. If you don’t wear clothes that flatter your body, you likely won’t look good in photos. Choose styles and cuts that work for your body and colours that work for your complexion. The most important thing is to feel confident in whatever you’re wearing, it’s sure to shine through!

4. Perfect Match Makeup
Makeup can make or break your photo. It’s important your foundation is a perfect match. If it’s too pale or dark, it becomes very evident in a photo. Use a perfect match concealer to cover up blemishes and dark circles, and opt for using a translucent powder on your t-zone (forehead, nose, cheeks, chin) to keep your skin from becoming greasy.

5. Open Up Your Eyes
You always want your eyes to draw people in and be the focal point in photos, and there are certain things you can do to help make that happen. Curling your lashes and wearing mascara are musts. These both open up your eyes, allowing more light to hit them – that’s how you get that twinkle!

6. Give Life To Your Hair
The last thing you want in a photo is for your hair to look flat and lifeless. Tame frizz as camera flash can highlight flyaways, don’t use too much hair product to keep your hair from looking wet and crunchy, and flip your head over right before the picture to give it some volume (if your hairstyle allows it).

How to Pose for Pictures


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